Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

This past weekend was a whirlwind and so busy that I don’t feel like I had any time off. I spent Friday morning in the urgicare with Larry because of his leg. We thought he had a staph infection but it turned out to be cellulites, which is an infection under the skin. It was very painful for him and could have gotten a lot worse, quickly, had he not gotten it taken care of. It seems to be better and he went back to work today.

Then, my sister got married on Friday so I went from urgicare to the wedding. Peggy and Brian have both been married before so they just wanted a very small, intimate ceremony. Instead of having a reception, they decided to rent a party bus and tour Clinton County. It was a total blast and the most fun I have had in a long time. I overindulged in the adult beverages and boy, was I paying for it on Saturday! I was supposed to train my clients at the gym at 8am on Saturday and was lying in bed thinking “there is no way I am going to make it through that hour”. Luckily, one of the clients sent me a text and cancelled so I didn’t have to suffer through it. The only bum deal of the night is that I dropped my camera and broke the lens. It bent and won’t go in or out so it looks like I’ll be camera shopping soon. Any suggestions of a good brand that will hold up with a drunk working it?

Peggy and Brian went away for a long weekend so I had Timmy and one of my little brothers from Saturday afternoon until Sunday evening. I took them to Cheryl’s so they could play with Chelsea and so we could transfer the wine that we are making for the wedding from one container to another for the second phase. We also started the second batch (red wine this time) so it was a fun, productive night. Pics to come later.

While all of this is going on, I’ve also been dealing with a sick dog. She has what I thought was a flu of some kind but it hung on for a full week so I finally took her to the vet last night. She was dehydrated, which I expected since she hasn’t eaten or drank much of anything all week. They kept her overnight to give her fluids and medicine to settle her tummy. He didn’t seem to think it was the flu given how long she had it and he speculated that it could be her pancreas or liver so he ordered a full blood work up on her. She is doing better today and depending on what the blood tests show and how she does with keeping food down, she may get to come home later. It sure is lonely without her but I know it’s for the best.

One last thing and then I’ll stop rambling for today. I got an email from someone who took my boot camp last summer asking me to be a guest speaker at her daughter’s Daisy Troop meeting on Thursday. She wants me to talk about the importance of exercise and teach them some exercises they can do on their own. It sounds like fun so of course I told her I would do it. Then, I got to thinking, what a great idea to promote health and wellness to children so my wheels are turning for other opportunities. If anyone knows of other Girl Scout troops, Boy Scouts, or anything like that, let me know and I’d be glad to volunteer.


  1. catchin up on my bloggies tonight :) I hope Hiccup is doing ok! And coolio on the girlscout troup thingy! I have a Canon Powershot SD1000 that I bought a few years ago and I love it....it has survived a few drunk tumbles ;)

  2. Thanks for the camera tip, I'll check into that one. Hiccup is doing so much better. In fact, you would never know anything was wrong with her. She is playing, happy, and gaining some of the weight she lost.

  3. Hi Vicki, I'm new to this blog thing. But I came accross your post about a tasting. Is the cake that is in the picture on the table a design you found somewhere or is it from the cake lady?
