Being curious, we walked to the front of the line to see what time the first people got there. The first group in line got there at 11pm on Friday and camped overnight. The next person got there at midnight. Now I get wanting to get in line early but damn, camping overnight for this? No thank you! Here are a few pics of the first people in line:
While we were waiting, we met some people in line behind and in front of us. Turns out the person behind us, Susan, is from Millstadt, IL and knows one of the groomsmen in our wedding – small world! The group in front of us, Frank and company, was from further south in KY and were super nice. Michelle and I both liked Frank a lot and really hoped he made it on the show. He is extremely overweight and ready to make a lifestyle change, he just needs some help getting started. Here’s Frank with his support group:
And this is Susan with Michelle:
About 9am, the casting crew came around and handed out another application that had to be completed prior to the interview so here is Michelle and the others working on their application:
When the crew started lining up people for their interviews, the “supporters” such as myself, had to wait on the other side. Here is a pic of Michelle in line, note the nervous look on her face :) She said she almost cried when I had to leave her, aw, I feel the love!
They took 8 people at a time into a conference room and sat them at a U shaped table. Each person got a chance to speak and the director asked specific questions of them. It only took about 15 minutes for the entire thing and she was out in no time. In the meantime, a few previous contestants showed up to meet and greet the crowd. To me, this was the best part of the trip (and I think Michelle would agree). We met Coach Mo and Tracy (the purple team) and Alex & Abby (the green team) from season 8, Colleen from season 6 (I think). We talked to Coach Mo briefly and managed to get a pic with him:
Coach Mo also talked with Frank for quite some time and get this – Mo gave Frank his personal phone number to call for support, advice, or anything. Now that is super cool! Michelle also got a pic with Tracy but that is on her camera and I don’t have it to post yet, sorry. Tracy has lost a total of 125lbs and let me tell you, she looks AH-MAZING! She showed us a before and after pic she has on her phone and wow, doesn’t even look like the same person. She talked about how she got sick on the show and how the doctor made her slow down before she seriously injured herself. She made it to week 10 of the 14 weeks – go Tracy!
We tried to talk to Alex and Abby but they were too busy with other people and I didn’t think to get pictures of them. I will say that Abby has put on some of the weight she lost but Alex still looked great. Then we met Colleen, and let me tell you, she was the sweetest, most adorable thing ever. She is only 23 years old and lost 70lbs. She still wants to lose more but I think she looks great like she is. Here is Michelle with her:

She spent a good 10-15 minutes talking to us about the ranch, what she went through, and what it was like as a contestant. She said they work out approximately 8 hours a day – could you imagine? She said the hardest part for her was not being able to contact her family during her stay. Once you are at the ranch, you have NO outside contact with anyone – no emails, no phone calls, nothing. I asked if she ever wanted to quit and she said “No, I wanted it that bad.” She told us that while it’s fun and exciting to be on the ranch, it’s not reality. No matter what happened on the show, it all has to continue at home. She said home is reality and that really hit home with both Michelle and I. If I told you every detail of these conversations, my blog would be 10 pages long so I won’t go into much more detail.
After talking with these people and seeing where they started and where they are now, there is no reason on earth why I can’t drop these last 10-15lbs. So now, I’m extremely motivated, ready to take the bull by the horns and get this show on the road! On Sunday, I got up early and went for a 3 mile walk then came back and hit the weights. I was sore on Monday and that is a good indication of how much I’ve slacked. I joined the recreation center at SLU and have a plan for making sure I find time for my workouts and for getting healthier. Michelle is super motivated too and may even check out my bootcamp that she has been afraid of. I know we can do this – and I know we WILL do this.
While Michelle may not get on the show, it was an awesome experience – very inspiring and ever so motivating. If you ever lose motivation or need an extra push, go online and Google any biggest loser contestant. Some of them even have blogs so read that or their success story and I’m sure it will be enough to get you over the hump!
PS - Just got the pic of Michelle with Tracy that I mentioned earlier:

super cool Vicki - I LOVE BL! I hope Michelle gets on the show - and joins us for bootcamp! :)