So the weekend came and went, again, but it was productive and fun. We just went to dinner Friday night so nothing exciting there. Saturday, I volunteered to interview high school seniors who are candidates for the Presidential Scholarship at SLU when/if they come here next year. The scholarship is a full ride, all 4 years, and only 20 scholarships are awarded. There were over 1000 applicants and 420 made it through to the interview process. Not only are these student genius level in testing, they are also “do-gooders” and are president of this club, or started that club to feed Haiti, etc. They spend all of their time doing something for others instead of being a typical teenage like I was. Anyway, my team interviewed 8 students and of those 8, we gave 2 of them perfect scores. I’m telling you, these kids are freaking amazing. Very well poised and put together. While I was in awe of these students, I left there feeling like “man, I have done nothing with my life.” So then I was talking to my boss about it and he said he feels the same way with the people we deal with at work, donors to the University. We are surrounded by people who have annual incomes of $500,000+ and constantly research people who have started up this company, or is president of that company, or owns property in 5 states, etc. So here I am, surrounded by Presidential Scholar students and millionaires – talk about making me feel like crap about what I’ve accomplished in my 32 years of life. Oh well, I just need to suck it up and be proud of what I have done. At least it gives me something to strive toward, right?
Ok, enough “poor me” and onto wedding talk. After I left the interviews, I met Cheryl, Nancy and Angie to brainstorm wedding ideas. We came up with some great centerpiece ideas for the reception and I feel really good about that. I’ll post some pics once we start making them. We are also making homemade wine for guests to take home and we started the white wine Saturday night. It takes 30 days to do whatever it does so we have plenty of time get it made and bottled. Cheryl is the expert and is leading the show on this one. I’m just there to do what she says. I took several pics of the wine making but I don’t have my camera with me now so I will post them later.
I visited St. Paul’s Church in Freeburg on Sunday and introduced myself to Pastor Earl. He recognized my name from calling on Friday, asking if they marry non-members. So we talked briefly about the wedding and he agreed to marry us so YEAH, we have a ceremony site. That is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I am meeting with the photographer on Thursday of this week to sign the contract with her. The only other major things to book are the DJ and the limo and I will work on those next.
I really need to be better about blogging more often because when I skip a few days, my posts get really long, like this one. I’ll try to work on that.